Garments with principles

Better pay. Better work. Better trade.

We work directly with alpaca shepherds, artisans and local entrepreneurs. With uncompromising transparency, we continuously work towards better pay and conditions for these partners.

Through our shop we offer timeless, high-quality pieces that turn global trade from exploitation to opportunity.

Follow our journey

There is no fair product. Labelling a product as "fair" creates a false sense of a mission complete, obscuring the need for further improvement.

We are fully transparent about our achievements, as well as the challenges we face. This allows our customers to hold us accountable on our mission to go beyond labels and certifications.

Follow our journey

There is no fair product. Labelling a product as "fair" creates a false sense of a mission complete, obscuring the need for further improvement.

We are fully transparent about our achievements, as well as the challenges we face. This allows our customers to hold us accountable on our mission to go beyond labels and certifications.


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